Home Design September 7, 2023

How to Create a Learning Space at Home

With kids heading back to school, one of the best ways to help them be successful is by having a designated learning space for them at home. What this might look like can vary for different ages but that connection between school and home is important. This does not mean you need to plan or prepare for a renovation or max out your budget. There are ways to support learning at home without implementing the sometimes-unattainable Pinterest ideas you might see floating around. Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating a learning space at home.


When we say designated space, we are not implying you need to redesign an entire room into a study room or children’s home office. We’re simply suggesting that having a designated space will help establish routine and consistency, all of which are important for learning. If your child is in preschool, this might be a designated place to put their backpack and a space on the sofa where you read books together. If your child is in early elementary, this could be a set desk or a spot at the kitchen table. As they get older and need access to a computer, having a table or desk where they can use one is important. The point is that you have an available area for your child to read, learn, or do their homework.


What is comfortable to one person might not be for another. It is important to figure out where your children are most comfortable learning in your home so that you can make a few adjustments. A child who is sitting at a desk all day at school may want something different when they come home. This might mean a cozy chair or one of those foam couches (i.e., a Nugget). If your child is tired of sitting, providing a standing desk might be a good option. When a child is comfortable and able to focus, they will be more likely to do their necessary tasks or assignments.


Another important aspect of making a space comfortable is considering what is around it. If the study space is right in the hustle and bustle of your home, you may want to move it to a quieter location. If it is in the same room as the piano another child uses to practice daily, you may also want to relocate it to avoid distractions. Asking a child to start their math homework in a room that is filled with their favorite toys might be quite a challenge for them. A space that is calm, quiet, and free of distractions is best.


“Mom, I need a pencil!” “Dad, I can’t find my charger.” “Where did I put my eraser?” To create a space that optimizes a child’s learning and allows them to be independent requires organized. Your student should know where to find the things that they are going to need, without your help. This means that the materials they will need regularly, such as paper, pencils, and other utensils, should be easily accessible. An additional idea is to have a whiteboard, bulletin board, or calendar in a space that is convenient and viewable. Depending on the needs of your child, you might put reminders, assignments, important dates, or anything else that will be helpful and keep them on task.  Most often, organization improves efficiency, and an organized space will set your student up for success.


Giving your study space character won’t earn your child higher marks on their projects or tests, but it can set a mood or vibe. Much like you design the rest of your home to suit your tastes and make you feel a certain way (relaxed, cozy, etc.), adding character to your child’s study space can do the same. You can do this by adding some color. According to Colour Drive, “Green is probably the most suitable or recommended color for the kid’s study room. Green is a cool color which spreads positive energy to the room. It usually makes a room feel more tranquil. The right shade of green can actually give a space a lively, energetic look that helps concentration.” Adding natural elements such as wood accents or plants can also give a space a calming, serene feel. Furthermore, a lamp can give the space a little zest and provide a cozy warmth. There are no limits when it comes to how you decorate, but adding a little oomph to the area can make it a place your student enjoys being in.


According to SingBee, there are several benefits to creating a designated study space in your home: It encourages independence, improves focus, promotes good posture, creates a rewarding routine, and teaches organizational skills. As we head into another year of school, it is our hope that some of these tips will be a good starting point in creating a space your student enjoys studying in. We can’t wait to see the results! You can share them here or email us at team@oakandmainnc.com.