Uncategorized May 7, 2024

How to Freshen Up Your Indoor Air

As homeowners, we spend a significant amount of time indoors. That is why it’s important to ensure that our homes have good air quality. Without adequate ventilation and airflow, the air inside our homes can be more polluted than the air outside (EPA). If there are more serious pollutants, you may need to take more extreme measures. However, for regular maintenance, there are simple, yet effective methods to freshen up your indoor air. Here are a few!

Change or Clean HVAC Filters Regularly

Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) system does more than just regulate your home’s temperature – it significantly impacts indoor air quality. The filters in your HVAC system act as frontline defenders. They capture dust, dirt, pollen, and other pollutants. However, these filters gather debris over time, which reduces their efficiency.

Regular HVAC maintenance is essential. One crucial aspect is changing or cleaning your filters regularly. This ensures that they continue to effectively trap indoor air contaminants. Clean filters promote better airflow, allowing your HVAC system to run more efficiently.


Determining how often to clean or replace your filters depends on several factors. Some may include the thickness of the filters, the age of your home, and any changes in indoor air pollutants. Assess your unique situation to establish the right maintenance schedule. Set reminders to help you stay consistent with filter upkeep.

Prioritizing HVAC maintenance ensures that your indoor air remains fresh and clean, creating a healthier and more comfortable living space for your and your family.

Add an Air Purifier

If you’re looking to enhance your indoor air quality, consider using air purifiers in your home. While they may not cover your entire space, they are valuable additions to your efforts to promote better health.

According to a Healthline article, “The EPA reported significant improvement in respiratory health and allergy or asthma symptoms [and] statistically significant improvement in cardiovascular health with the use of air cleaners.”

It’s worth noting that while air purifiers offer improved air filtration, they usually only cover specific areas. Furthermore, they may not be effective against all types of pollutants. However, when combined with other strategies mentioned here, they can add an extra layer of clean air to your indoor environment.

By considering the addition of air purifiers, you can further enhance the quality of the air you breathe. This will create a healthier and more comfortable living space for you and your loved ones.

Clean Often

I can practically anticipate the collective sighs of reluctance as you consider this suggestion. However, it’s logical that maintaining clean surroundings is essential for preserving clean indoor air. Surfaces like rugs, carpets, fabric furniture, and bedding attract indoor air pollutants like magnets. Regular cleaning of these surfaces can significantly reduce the presence of contaminants in your living space.

Furthermore, there’s an undeniable satisfaction in relaxing within a freshly cleaned environment. So, why not make it a habit to grab your duster, wield your broom, and fire up that washing machine? Establishing a routine to rid your home of pollen and dust mites can work wonders for your indoor air quality.

Not only will your home look tidier and more inviting, but it will benefit everyone living there. There’s a connection between cleanliness and fresh air, so clean often. Your health will thank you for it.

Be Mindful of What You Use or Bring Into Your Home

Did you know that some of the biggest contributors to lower indoor air quality are items we bring into our homes? Common household products like cleaners, air fresheners, paint, flooring, and cosmetics often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other chemicals.

It is crucial to be mindful of what we bring into our living spaces. Some of the products are necessary. However, we can make informed choices by selecting options with lower VOC levels, ones that have had time to “off-gas,” or opting for materials that release fewer toxins into our homes.

Adequate Ventilation

Additionally, it is essential to ensure proper ventilation to prevent the buildup of indoor air pollutants. Luckily, the trend toward integrating less toxic items into our homes is gaining traction. As a result, there are a wider range of options and valuable information to assist us in making healthier choices.

Leave Shoes at the Door

Did you know that your shoes can unknowingly carry a variety of outdoor contaminants into your home, such as pollen, animal feces, fungi, and more? Removing shoes at the door can prevent these unwanted guests from spreading throughout your living space.

Adopting a shoe-free policy can ensure that all the outdoor “yuck” stays on the soles of your shoes, rather than invading your home. Hesitant to go barefoot? Why not treat yourself to a pair of cozy slippers? In the name of indoor air quality, of course!

Open the Windows

Saving the best and easiest tip for last? Perhaps. Opening your windows or doors for just a few minutes each day can truly transform the quality of the air inside your home.

By allowing fresh outdoor air to circulate through your home, even for just 5-10 minutes a day, you’re essentially replacing stale air with fresh. For even better results, open windows on opposite sides of your home to encourage cross-ventilation. Fans can help expedite the process, ensuring a quicker exchange of air.

There is one exception to this advice: the dreaded North Carolina Pollenocalypse. During this peak period in spring when pollen levels skyrocket, it’s best to keep your windows close and rely on your air purifier to keep indoor air clean. Let Mother Nature handle her business outside while you hibernate indoors, safe from the pollen onslaught.

Making it a habit to open your windows to allow fresh air in will become a routine your lungs will thank you for.

Freshen Up Your Indoor Air

Your home should be a sanctuary, free from irritants and allergens. Taking proactive steps to freshen up your indoor air quality is essential. Moderate your use of products and enhance your air filtration. Maintain cleanliness and embracing a shoe-free lifestyle. Every effort counts. When all of this is done, you can look at your kingdom, you are finally there, to sit on your throne as the Fresh Prince (ess) of Clean-Air.

For additional tips and tricks for freshening up your indoor air, reach out to me here. I’d love to help!